Medical Dermatology


Facial lipoatrophy is a condition in which people lose fat in their faces, especially in their cheeks and around their eyes and temples. People with HIV who take anti-HIV drugs may develop lipoatrophy. Sometimes lipoatrophy is hereditary.

Radiesse is an FDA-approved calcium-based microsphere filler that is injected into the skin in areas where fat has been lost. It causes the skin to thicken via collagen neo-synthesis, improves appearance of folds and sunken areas, and hides fat loss. Radiesse forms a scaffold to support and stimulate the growth of your own collagen. In most cases, Radiesse lasts for 1.5 to 2 years. Radiesse is safely absorbed by the body as it gradually breaks down.

Normal injection-related reactions include mild irritation, swelling, itching, bruising and tenderness at the injection sites. These conditions resolve on their own in 1-2 weeks.

Radiesse does not cure or prevent HIV infection or AIDS and does not reduce the risk of passing the virus to other people.

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